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Curriculum Vitae

Full name          Jeremy Dean Wilson

Address            CONICET Postdoctoral Research Fellow
                          Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
                          Av. Angel Gallardo 470
                          Caballito, C1405 DJR 
                          Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

Date of birth   28 July 1991                     Languages  English, Spanish



                           2013 - Bachelor of Science, Griffith University, Australia

                            2014 - Bachelor of Science with honours, Griffith University, Australia

                            2019 - Doctor of Philosophy: Systematics of the golden trapdoor spiders
                                         (Araneae: Idiopidae: Euoplini) of Eastern Australia
, Griffith University,                                              Australia    



         2019 to present - CONICET Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Museo Argentino

                                        de Ciencias Naturales

                           2019 -  Research Assistant, Biodiversity and Geosciences, Queensland                                   

              2015 to 2018 - Research Assistant, School of Environment, Griffith University

              2011 to 2014 - Residential Advisor, Campus Life, Griffith University



                            2020 - Griffith University Award for Excellence in a Research Thesis

                            2017 - Society of Australian Systematic Biologists Student Travel Award

                            2014 - Australian Rivers Institute, Christy Fellows Award for a Student

                                        Presentation, Second Place

              2010 to 2014 - Griffith University Award for Academic Excellence (each semester)


Grants and fellowships              

              2019 to 2021 - CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council –                                                       Argentina) Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (to J. Wilson):                                                             Understanding the evolution of spider genitalia: a phylogenomic case                                              study of the ghost spiders (Anyphaenidae: Amaurobioidinae),
                                       AUD $25,000

              2019 to 2021 - Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) Research and Capacity-                                           building Grant (No. RG18-03) (to M. Rix, R. Raven, M. Harvey & J.                                                       Wilson): Conservation systematics of Australian open-holed trapdoor                                                spiders of the Teyl-complex (Mygalomorphae: Nemesiidae:                                                                  Anamini), AUD $275,000

              2015 to 2018 - Australian Postgraduate Award (to J. Wilson), to complete a full-                                                    time Ph.D. AUD $75,000


Society appointments and memberships             

         2019 to present - Council member of the Society of Australian Systematic Biologists

              2017 to 2019 - Secretary of the Society of Australian Systematic Biologists

                            2016 - Higher Degree Researcher Representative, Australian Rivers Institute,                                           Griffith University

        2020 to present - Member of American Arachnological Society

         2019 to present - Member of Australian Arachnological Society


Conference organisation and attendance            

                            2021 - Oral presentation at The Annual Meeting of the American                                                                  Arachnological Society: Geometric morphometrics of the Sanogasta                                               maculatipes-group (Araneae: Anyphaenidae) reveals closely related                                                  species in sympatry and a geographical cline in genital morphology

                            2020 - Member of the Organising Committee of the VI Latin American                                                        Congress of Arachnology

                            2020 - Poster presentation at
 The Annual Meeting of the American                                                            Arachnological Society: Total-evidence analysis of an undescribed                                                  mygalomorph fauna

                            2019 - Oral presentation at The International Congress of Arachnology:                                                      Resolving the evolution and classification of Australia's golden                                                          trapdoor spiders (Idiopidae: Arbanitinae: Euoplini)


Peer reviews provided for: Zootaxa, Australian Journal of Zoology, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, European Journal of Taxonomy, Journal of Arachnology, Invertebrate Systematics, Records of the Western Australian Museum

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